Joshua 1:1-9
“Two truths that have guided me”
This morning my devotion was from Joshua 1:1-9. It is a wonderful passage that I have turned to many times. Today, Dr. Stanley two powerful truths that have guided me during some very difficult days these last few months.
1. God travels with us.
During some dark days and lonely times in and out of the hospital. I have found this to be so true. He traveled with me during nights of not being able to lay in the bed because I could not breath. He traveled with me during lonely nights in the hospital.
He was present through the prayers of others when I was too weak to pray.
He was present through my wife and Tony giving me words of encouragement when I was desperate and in distress, could not breath.
He was present through the wonderful care I received each time I was in the hospital.
He was present by sending a nurse one night that truly was an angel of mercy. She came into my room at around midnight. I was exhausted trying to sleep in chair. She said, “I think I can help you sleep in the bed.” “I will stay right here with you and help you.” She did too! For the first time in nights, I was able to sleep in the bed. Such a blessing.
I told Stephanie in the morning, that some people just know instinctively how to care for others.
I know Jesus sent her to care for me.
2.God goes before us.
What a powerful truth to focus on in times of crisis. In the midst of the pain and the crisis he is already there ahead of me and ahead of you.
No situation ever takes him by surprise. He is never caught off guard or without the resources to meet the need.
He is in fact, there ahead of us.
He knows what I need. He has the best plan for me. He wants what is best for me.
He literally blazes the trail ahead of me.
As you continue to read in the early chapters of the book of Joshua you see how God is already ahead of his children.
The promise is going to take place because God said so and he is true to his word.
He is going ahead working things out to make the way, like Rahab to protect the spies (chapter 2).
These weeks have changed me. I am not the person I was when all this started. He is growing me through the weakness, through the recovery.
I don’t know what is ahead for me, but I am so grateful for these truths.